Entering Amount Values (Amount Column)

Standard substances are labeled by user input in the Amount column.

To enter the amount values for standards

  1. Search the peak table for the substance name of the standard substance(s),

    Enter the name and the retention time as described in Integrating Chromatograms and Identifying Peaks  Identifying Peaks.

  2. Type the amount value of the standard into the first Amount column. This can be a concentration value (such as µg/ml) or the absolute value (such as µg). If a standard is available in different concentrations, enter the concentration of each vial in a separate Amount column. For example, two concentrations result in two Amount column entries:

If injection is performed several times from the same sample vial (multiple injection), one amount value is sufficient, even if a different volume and thus, a different amount, are injected. Chromeleon considers this automatically.

Repeat the procedure for each substance serving as a standard.

To insert new Amount columns

  1. Double-click the header of an existing Amount column (or select Columns > Edit Amount Columns on the Edit or context menu) to open the Edit Amount Columns dialog box.

  2. From the Assign Standards on the basis of list, select the sample variable (e.g., Name for the sample name, No. for the sample (vial) number, or Ref. Amount Set, etc.) that shall be used to identify and assign standards to the amount column.

  3. Use one of the following methods to create new Amount columns:

    Click New, type a unique column name in the field that appears in the Amount Column window, and press Enter. Select an Amount column (or Unassigned) in the Amount Column window to display the associated standards. Drag the selected sample(s) ( = standard sample; = Validation Sample or = Spiked Sample) from the Standards window to the new column.


    Click Auto-Generate. Select the preferred option from the list and click Apply. The following options are available: Select Generate a separate column for EACH standard to generate a separate column for all samples with the same value for the selected sample variable. Or else, select Generate a single column to apply to ALL standards to generate only one common column for all standards.


    The selected option will apply to all sequences that use the current QNT File. For example: You select the Vial Number option, and then assign vial number 5 to Amount column B. From now on, vial number 5 (regardless of its contents) will be assigned to Amount column B in every sequence that uses this QNT File.

  4. Click OK to close the dialog box and return to the peak table.